Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Current Trends in Information Technology

Current Trends in Information Technology
1. E-commerce:
Models of E-commerce, Application with respect to models, BPR & E-commerce, Creation of Ecommerce
sites (ethics) commercial/ edu / org sites.
2. Information system Security:
Threats and implications, security policy, Biometric, facial and smart cards, RFID, DSA,
Kinds of firewalls: packet filters, distributed firewalls
Building firewalls (only steps).
3. Knowledge management:
W hat is KM (Components and type of knowledge), knowledge building models, KM cycle and
architecture, KM tools, KM approaches- Mechanist, cultural/ be/ heuristic, systematic.
4. GIS:
W hat is GIS, Nature of geographic data, spatial objects and data models, getting map on
computers, GIS standards, and Standardization process of GIS-development, implementation, and
deployment phases.
5. BCP / BPO:
What is BPO/BCP, Why it is required, Guidelines, Merits/De-Merits, Lows of BPO -Non
disclosure agreements, SLA (Service Level Agreements), Call center – brief perspective
technology wise?
6. E- Banking:
ICIICI. Com, HDFC.com, Electronic Payments, Securities in E-banking
Services Provided
- ECS (Electronic Clearing System) e.g. Telephone, Electricity bills (6 hrs.)
7. E- Speak:
E- learning- Models (WBT, CBT, distance learning), LMS & LCMS,
Video Conferencing, Chat, bulleting, building inline community,
Asynchronous/Synchronous Learning
E- Logistics – Maharashtra.gov.in, Logistics & Supplier Chain Management, Warehousing
Management, Transportation Management, Information & Communication Technology, How set
up layers (Extranet, Intranet, Internet), Dynamiclogistics.Com , Samsung.com
E-Governance - What is E- Governance, Models (G2B, G2C, C2G, G2G), Challenges to EGovernance,
Strategy and tactics for implementation of E- Governance.
8. IT Act 2000(14 countries included IT act ):
Cyber law - Issue of Computer Access, Hacking & cracking, Types of Computer criminals &
crimes, Software /Hardware Piracy
9. Mobile Computing:
Difference between desktop and mobile computing, Mobility, Components,
WAP Architecture, Applications & Services, Security.
10. Embedded Systems:
Features & types of embedded systems, Components of Embedded system,
Applications of Embedded system, Palm devices.
11. Data mining and data Ware housing:
Architecture, OLTP & OLAP

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is dead. The Apple chairman and former CEO who made personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and digital animation mass-market products.

Steven P. Jobs passed away on Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 after a long struggle with pancreatic cancer. 


Monday, September 26, 2011


The Internet ranks as a "top source of information for most" local matters of interest — from housing to jobs.

A new report finds. "The rise of search engines and specialty websites for different topics like weather, job postings, businesses and even e-government have fractured and enriched the local news and information environment,” said Lee Rainie, a co-author of the study and director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

more info. visit the link below

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Software Freedom Day

The College of I.T. and Engineering, Notre Dame of Midsayap College participate in the celebration of Software Freedom Day, September (17) 19, 2011 at University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato, Philippines.

This is the power of free and open-source software contribution. share...share...share...

Monday, August 15, 2011

CITE Students use and check our project and have comments.

take you first quiz!

click on the right side E-learning Project (MRS-DJA)



Adding Records to a MySQL Database with PHP

 The only thing that needs to change is your SQL statement. The steps we're going to be taking are these:

  1. Open a connection to MySQL
  2. Specify the database we want to open
  3. Set up a SQL Statement that can be used to add records to the database table
  4. Use mysql_query( ) again, but this time to add records to the table
  5. Close the connection
We've already done steps 1 and 2 on the list. So we can move straight to Steps 3 to 5

Set up a SQL Statement to add records to the database

In our previous script, we used some SQL to grab records from our Address Book database table. We then used a While loop to print all the records out. Because we're now going to be adding records to the Address Book table, we need some different SQL. Here's the script. The new line is in blue (The double and single quotes need to be entered exactly, otherwise you'll get errors when you run the code):

$user_name = "root";
$password = "";
$database = "addressbook";
$server = "";

$db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password);
$db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle);

if ($db_found) {

$SQL = "INSERT INTO tb_address_book (First_Name, Surname, Address) VALUES ('bill', 'gates', 'Microsoft')";

$result = mysql_query($SQL);

print "Records added to the database";
else {
print "Database NOT Found ";

You met all of this code from the previous section. The only difference is the new SQL statement! What the code does is to set up some variables, open a connection to the database, and then execute the SQL query. Let's have a look at the new, and rather long, statement.


To add records to your database, you can use the INSERT statement. There are plenty of ways to use this statement, but we'll stick with something simple: adding
new values to all of our table columns.

You start by typing the words "INSERT INTO". This can be in any case you like: upper, lower or a mix. It's easier for you to read if it's in uppercase letters.
The next thing you need is the name of a table to insert your new values into. For us, this is the table that we've called tb_address_book.
Following the name of your table, type a pair of round brackets. Inside the round brackets, you can type the names of the columns in your table:

INSERT INTO tb_address_book (First_Name, Surname, Address)
Notice how we haven't included the ID column from our table. That's because the ID column was the one we set up to be an auto-incrementing number. We don't need to worry about this column because MySQL will take care of adding 1 to this field for us.
Now that you've specified which table you want to insert values into, and specified your column names, you can add the values you want to insert.
To add values, you type the word "VALUES" after the round brackets of your column names:

INSERT INTO tb_address_book (First_Name, Surname, Address) VALUES
After the word "VALUES", you type another pair of round brackets. Inside of these brackets, you can type your values. Each value should be separated by a comma. You can use either direct text, like we've done, or variables. You can even get these values straight from your HTML form, which we'll see how to do later.
So our whole line reads:

$SQL = "INSERT INTO tb_address_book (First_Name, Surname, Address) VALUES ('bill', 'gates', 'Microsoft')";
Notice how we've surrounded all of our text with double quotes. But inside of the values round brackets, we've used single quotes.
The syntax is really this (The SQL keywords are in blue):

INSERT INTO table_name ( Columns ) VALUES ( values for columns)
But try your code out now, and see if it's all working properly. You should find that you now have two records in your database table.

Replace the values 'bill', 'gates', and 'Microsoft' with values of your own. Run your script again to add your new record to the database. Now run your other script to read the values back out.

thanks to: http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/php/php13p3.html

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

List of Projects

List of Projects Titles

# Development of a feature-rich, practical online leave management system (LMS)
# Development of a practical Online Help Desk (OHD) for the facilities in the campus
# Development of an auto-summarization tool
# Development of an agent-based information push mechanism
# Development of a feature-rich, practical online on-request courses coordination system (ORS)
# Development of an online Library Management System (LiMS)
# Development of an online Sales and Inventory Management System (SIMS)
# Development of a feature-rich, Employee Transfer Application
# Development of a feature-rich, Resume Builder Application
# Development of a safe and secure Internet banking system( Java based) OR Banking System in Visual Basic( Stand Alone)
# Development of a feature-rich, practical online intranet knowledge mgmt system for the college (KMS).
# Development of a feature-rich, practical online application for the Training and Placement Dept. of the college
# Development of a Repository and Search Engine for Alumni of College (RASE)
# Development of a split screen application for the data entry of the shipments.
# Development of a Campaign Information System
# Development of an e-Post Office System
# Development of a Lost Articles and Letters Reconciliation System
# Student Project Allocation and Management with Online Testing System (SPM)
# Development of a user friendly ,feature-rich, practical Online Testing System (OTS).
# Development of a feature-rich, practical Resource Management System (RMS)
# Development of a feature rich, practical online Tickets reservation system for Cinema halls.
# Development of a feature rich, practical Time table generation system for a college.
# Development of a user friendly ,feature-rich, practical Appraisal Tracker
# Development of Effort Tracker System

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Want To Learn Web Programming? Write A Blog Engine

Want To Learn Web Programming? Write A Blog Engine

What is the best way learning any kind of programming? Write programs! I sincerely believe that a blog engine is one of the rare pieces which employs all the basics of Web programming but can be simple enough to understand. More importantly you can even choose to learn more than programming – about the concepts, modern technologies and architecture of the Web.
One of the problems that a novice faces is where to start from. All the aspects are so interleaved that it might be difficult to start from just one end. It can get quite frustrating to write a sample application as most of the times you lose the motivation for it down the line. Here are some reasons why even a minimal blog engine for yourself is a better candidate.
  • There is no strict definition for a blog engine, rather it is flexible enough for you use your set of requirements. At the minimum, it is an application which takes input from you and publishes it.
  • It involves one of the simplest interactions with the database. Note that the database does not imply a RDBMS, you are free to implement a file based storage for your blog engine. However it will make you think about CRUD and exceptions.
  • Web interaction involved is minimal and lets you focus and learn the markup basics and specifications.
  • A blog engine, by default, has at least two contexts – the homepage and a single blog entry. Understanding this is extremely crucial, as you can build your display based on this. Inherently this also means that a navigation system is required to read various blog entries. This can help you understand how contexts map to the navigation systems.
If you extend the definition to build the engine for others, which is a big step, you can explore various content management concepts.
  • Thinking about the user adding blog entries or managing them makes you design your management space.
  • You can make various aspects configurable, so that the user can customize.
  • Other users might want to classify their blog entries, and this will introduce you to categories for blog entries. Interestingly, allowing multiple categories is also a good lesson for basic RDBMS design, if you end up using it.
  • You can then build a way of accessing these categories in your display system. This introduces you to more contexts. Technically this also makes you think about reusing your code for building archives.
At this point you can start thinking about various readers as well. A blog can have one author, but can have readers in a wide range of environments. Focusing on the display system, you can get exposed to standards and best practices of Web design.
  • Creating valid markup.
  • Using CSS for layout and styles. Though you might not be interested in visual design, this gives you enough exposure to how CSS works with markup.
  • Ensuring all the readers can access the blog entries. This can be your introduction you to the concept of accessibility.
  • One of the most critical aspects of the current trends in Web 2.0 is interaction with the readers. Introducing a comment system so that they can comment on the blog entries and start a discussion is a milestone in Web development. This makes your application a two-way communication system.
The beauty of a blog engine is that you can use it to understand various concepts. As you continue learning, you can use your knowledge to extend the concept of your blog engine. It is one of the best applications to employ concepts of REST and URL design. You can improve your design knowledge by exploring usability and applying it in your application.
A blog engine is a basic publishing system and most of the Web activity hovers around publishing content. Not only does this let you try out various concepts, but it also lets you expand this into a full-fledged CMS.
Of course, you can also learn a lot by reading code of existing blog engines, there already some very good ones out there. However, as I always say, code represents only the solution, not the problem. Writing an application essentially involves the problem statement and requires its understanding. It involves taking decisions and your design is nothing but a combination of these decisions.
I see a blog engine at core of our Web interactions today, at least technically if not in usage. Its tolerance with its definition, freedom of design choices, programming paradigms and interaction with various users makes it the ideal learning tool. Needless to say that this will also let you build your expertise in the programming language you are using. If you find the choices too overwhelming, start by cloning an existing blog engine, I am sure you will add your originality to it.
Oh, this gives one more advantage. You can always find some good blog engines that come with their source, that is, they are open source. Is there any better way of stepping into the open source world?
Whether your blog engine gets used or not, is liked or not, is evolved or not, it will be the best learning tool you can ever build for yourself.

Thanks to http://ifacethoughts.net

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Web Development Strategies

Web Site Design / Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

WAMP - Apache, MySQL, PHP on Windows 

Website Reference for SUMMER 2011 - IT 312 (Web Design/Development)

You can choose other websites for your additional information


Friday, March 11, 2011


Take good care of our Mother Nature!
TERRIBLE....Japan hit by 8.9 magnitude quake and tsunami.. let's pray to all the OFW's and all the people in Japan.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011


TITLE: Web Development


This course provides the students with the fundamental understanding of developing web-based applications and its corresponding support systems.  The course requires the use of different technologies in order to implement various web-based software applications.


At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

   1. know the fundamentals in web-based application architectures and processes;
   2. use Java and related technologies in developing complete web-based applications;
   3. learn how to test, verify, and debug web-based applications

I. HyperText Markup Language (Reading Assignment)
II. Cascading Style Sheets
III. JavaScript
IV. Dynamic HTML
V. Servlets
VI. Java Database Connectivity
VII. Java Server Pages
VIII. Java Server Pages
IX. Java and XML
X. Web Services 

Web: w3schools.com
Book: JAVA,HTML Dietel and Dieltel

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sunday Class

Click the URL below for your reference,guide,tutorial. Practice and Explore!!!
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Special Education (SPED) Computer Literacy Program